Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A BIG step taken!

I finally did it! ALONE with my Double Cs! ;p

I brought Double Cs to BP Plaza this morning ALONE. Didn't bring helper along. As she was doing household chores, I decided to take this step OUT to bring my Double Cs shopping myself!

Upfront, I told Cayenne to behave herself while in the library - NO take off of her shoes, NO jumping, NO running around. MUST hold Mummy's hands while crossing the road. She agreed before we set off. Well, I didn't take her "YES" seriously as she tends to forget after a short while. But of cos throughout the journey, I kept reminding her. And she also asked me if she could, think she was trying her luck. But I firmly said "NO".

We stayed in the library for at least half an hour and borrow 10 books! Hee... After that, shopped awhile before heading home.

There was this kind hearted lady who offered her help to push the baby stroller while I carried Cayenne to cross the road. I told her it was alright, I could manage myself. She then offered again to carry Cayenne while I pushed the stroller. Haha... Very nice lady right. I politely told her that I could do it myself and also wished to manage all by myself so that I could do without a helper. Hee... But anyway, she is very nice to walk together with me to help me look out of the traffic.

She told me not easy to handle two kids at the same time as she is a mother of two. & same as me, she didn't like having helper around so she resigned from her job recently to take care of her 2 kids herself. Well, her kids now already P3 & P5. Should be much easier to take care than mine, I suppose? Hee... ;p

I thanked her for her help and we parted. Happily walking towards the LRT while pushing the stroller and Cayenne walking beside me, munching happily her "blue" biscuits. ;)

When we about to reach the station, Cayenne told me "Mummy, train cannot eat biscuits, later then eat." & she passed me the half pack of biscuits. I was so so so proud of her! I reinforce the message to her again. "Yes, baby. You are right. When we are in the train, we cannot eat biscuits. So later after we alight the train, Mummy will let you eat the biscuits again." She looked at me and smiled. At that moment, I tell you. My heart melted! My girl is such a babe! Very sensible angel! ;)

Overall, the short trip to BP Plaza was great! No hiccups. *Lucky* ;p Double Cs behaved well. ;)

I will try to bring Double Cs out myself more often! ;)

National Day 09th August 2010, Monday

Went to IMM to do some short shopping.

Little Assistant Baker

Jann decided to bake some yummy banana muffins on National Day. She "invited" Miss Chua to help out in the process. Look @ her, Cayenne was mashing the bananas! After that, she helped to clean the muffin tray. What a great little assistant! ;)

Baby Cayden's Firsts and Development Growth

15th November 09 (Sunday) - Haircut, Swimming & Body Massage
15th December 09 (Tuesday) - HappyBellies Brown Rice Cereal into milk feed

27th December 09 (Sunday) - Tries Apple
02th January 10 (Saturday) - HB Cereal Breakfast
18th January 10 (Monday) - Left Bottom Central Incisor

25th January 10 (Monday) - Sits without support
24th January 10 (Sunday) - HB Cereal Lunch
26th January 10 (Tuesday) - Introduces MG2 for 2nd milk feed

29th January 10 (Friday) - Tries Steamed Apple
30th January 10 (Saturday) - Tries Avocado
02nd February 10 (Tuesday) - Right Bottom Central Incisor,
Tries sweet potato
07th February 10 (Sunday) - HB Oatmeal Cereal, Mashed Banana
12th February 10 (Friday) - Stands without support 5 seconds 17th February 10 (Wednesday) - Tries Steamed Pear, 2 Cereals
19th February 10 (Friday) - Sweet Potato Porridge
22nd February 10 (Monday) - Potato Porridge
24th February 10 (Wednesday) - Carrot Porridge
25th February 10 (Thursday) - Tries Prune
26th February 10 (Friday) - Spinach Porridge
07th March 10 (Sunday) - Heinz Biscuits with Milk
10th March 10 (Wednesday) - Tries Rock Melon
11th March 10 (Thursday) - Marrow Green Melon Porridge
14th March 10 (Sunday) - Pumpkin Porridge
18th March 10 (Thursday) - Zuchinni Porridge
19th March 10 (Friday) - Crawls Forward, Tries Avocado with Banana, Brown Rice with White Rice Porridge
27th March 10 (Saturday) - Butternut Squash Porridge
29th March 10 (Monday) - Tries Papaya
12th April 10 (Monday) - Upper Left & Right Central Incisors
16th April 10 (Friday) - Silver Fish Stock for Porridge
21st April 10 (Wednesday) - HappyBaby Organic Puffs
27th April 10 (Tuesday) - Sits from crawl position
01st May 10 (Saturday) - Tries Egg Yolk
05th May 10(Wednesday) - "Pauls Natural" Yoghurt with Mashed Banana
10th May 10 (Monday) - Stands from sitting holding onto cot
15th May 10 (Saturday) - Top Left, Right Lateral Incisor Teeth
16th May 10 (Sunday) - Stands few seconds without support
17th May 10 (Monday) - Minced Pork Porridge
18th May 10 (Tuesday) - Broccoli in Porridge
24th May 10 (Monday) - Tries Cheese
27th May 10 (Thursday) - Tries "Ngor" Fish (Threadfin Fish)
02nd June 10 (Wednesday) - Tries Bao
11th June 10 (Friday) - Tries Chicken Thigh, Walks 1 step
12th June 10 (Saturday) - Wallk 2, 3 steps
17th June 10 (Thursday) - Tries ice cream
19th June 10 (Saturday) - Top Left, Right Canine (Cuspid)
21st June 10 (Monday) - Drinks from straw
23rd June 10 (Wedesday) - Mee Sua Soup
24th June 10 (Thursday) - Old Melon Pork Ribs Soup with Mee Sua
03rd July 10 (Saturday) - Cayden walks at least 6,7 steps!
04th July 10 (Sunday) - Tries Hotcake
05th July 10 (Monday) - Left & Right Lateral Incisor
11th July 10 (Sunday) - Do "Full" action
12th July 10 (Monday) - Tries French Fries
13th July 10 (Tuesday) - Introduces MG3 for 2nd milk feed
14th July 10 (Wednesday) - Says "Don't want"
20th July 10 (Tuesday) - Kway Tiao Soup
23rd July 10 (Friday) - Walks Officially
24th July 10 (Sat) - Macaroni Soup
25th July 10 (Sun) - Steamed rice with minced pork/pumpkin
30th July 10 (Fri) - Steamed rice with Pan Fried Salmon, Egg Tofu
16th August 10 (Mon) - Tries Quinoa Seeds Porridge
18th August 10 (Wed) - Tries Oatmilk
21st August 10 (Sat) - Tries Millet

Cayenne's Expressions

Cayenne's Expressions

Happy & Cheerful Cayenne

Happy & Cheerful Cayenne

Cayden's NB Pictures

Cayden's NB Pictures