Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cayenne's back with Lily on 26th October 09, Monday

Oh yes, I have seeked Lily's help in taking care of Cayenne again for these two months. Yesterday I sent her to Lily's place. She got a panicked and nervous look when Lily told her to say bye bye to me. Now saying bye bye is a "forbidden" word in front of Cayenne. She will quickly "glues" to me whenever possible, fearing that I might go away.

She cried when I left her in Lily's place. I cried too when I walked away. Felt very heartpained. I called up Lily in the afternoon to check on Cayenne. Lily told me that Cayenne though cried, it was only a short moment. On and off she would look for me.

Evening quickly rushed to pick her up. Lily brought her downstairs to wait for us. I immediately carried her and she looked moody, unhappy. Touched her body and hands. WARM. Gosh, think she was going to fall sick again. True enough, checked her temperature when we reached home. Running a fever of 38 degrees. Fed her medicine.

Clinged on me after that, I couldn't even bath. Quickly took a FAST SHORT bath while Dennis was distracting her but alas, she still came to the bathroom to look for me.

Before that, I almost had difficulty to bath Cayden as Cayenne kept wanting me to carry. Lucky I still managed to bath Cayden but had to ask my helper to dress Cayden up.

I spent so little time with Cayden. Felt so guilty.

Yesterday was my 1st day back to work after 4 months of Leave. Really miss my Double Cs.

Dinner @ Fajar Shopping Centre, 25th October 09, Sunday Evening

Daddy really misses his Attitude Chua.
Mummy "gossiping" with 舅母 ;P
Daddy, Mummy & Me BUT where is 弟弟?
Sulking Face
Little Andre
The men in our family

Dennis's Surprise for me

Still remember I told you all that Dennis got a suprise for me?
Here it is! Hee... ;)

Daddy's back! (25th October 09, Sunday Morning)

Daddy is finally back home!!!

Dennis has been missing our Singapore food badly that shortly after he came back home, after bathing my Double Cs, we left for tim sum which he has been craving for. Initially wanted to bring Cayden along but happened that Cayden wanted his milk and after that, would be his morning nap. So in the end, Cayden was left at home with my helper.

Initially, I thought Cayenne might not get closed to her Daddy as Dennis had been away for two solid months! Guess we often chatted via MSN with Cayenne, so she was still ok when she saw her Daddy.

At Red Star restaurant, while waiting for our tim sum, Cayenne suddenly "merlioned"! I got a shock. The scene was literally like a running tap. But probably I'm with a little bit of experience, though shocked, I still could keep my "nervousness" under control. ;p

Quickly brought her to toilet to change and let her had some warm porridge. & some bits here and there. Lucky she was ok for the rest of the day.

Look @ my Darling Cayenne!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mummy's Thoughts - Part 13

I wonder how Cayenne will react when this coming Monday, 26th October 09, I'll be bringing her to Lily's place again. I have asked Lily to help me to look after Cayenne again till preferably till end Dec before I make the FINAL decision. I desperately need these two months to sort things out, clear my mind & have a heart to heart, detailed discussion with Dennis.

Cayenne has "glued" to me, I simply cannot be out of her sight! To the extent, I felt "suffocated". I badly need a break from her! ;p

I hope that she can behave well at Lily's place while I return to work. Well, I have mixed feelings about leaving Cayden at home with my helper for so long hours even though my Dad is around. So far my helper has been a good help to me when I'm at home. When I'm not at home for such long hours, I'm not too sure. You all can say I'm just being paranoid, a "worrier", but I do have my worries. I'll have to start to re-assess my helper again while I'm not at home. Of cos I do hope that my helper can continue to give her best in taking care of my Cayden while I'm at work.

Mixed feelings of going to seperate Cayenne and Cayden for these coming two months. I wonder if there will be any impact on my Cayenne again. As in she is going to Lily's place, away from me, away from her 弟弟...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cute Hairbands for my Cayenne

Bought these two hairbands with matching hairclips online. They are very nice! ;)


Can't wait to share the news with you all! ;)

Cayenne is officially off her thumb! Ok, ok. I know I announce kinda of TOO EARLY today as I just started to try to wean Cayenne off her thumb yesterday. But from what I observe, she is off her thumb for more than 24 hours! Even I give her bean pillow, she doesn't put her thumb inside her mouth. Normally she will put in automatically.

So I think my Cayenne is able to wean off her thumb for good! ;p

Happy!!! ;)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Weaning off" from...

Cayenne's thumb! Not pacifier. Haha...

Cayenne has been on her left thumb since young. I know that it is very difficult 2 wean off as compared to pacifier. I heard from some mummies that weaning off from pacifier is very difficult. But as compared to thumb, pacifier should consider alot "easier"? Well, I mean thumb is always there. Keke...

Before she turned 1 year old, I heard a few methods to wean off from thumb. Commonly used method is apply "如意油". I wasn't into this because I will heartpain my girl if I apply this oil onto her thumb. The oil is kinda of spicy for her tongue.

BUT now, I simply don't care if the oil is spicy for her tongue anymore! Haha... As for these two months, I take care of her & I realized I cannot be too soft hearted on Cayenne sometimes. Sometimes I tell her nicely and firmly on certain issues, she simply ignores me and continues to do the opposite! Makes me so angry that I resort to use abit of "threaten" method. I know I use the wrong way to teach my girl. But for Cayenne, the methods i use, seems to work on her.

Well, back to her thumb. Today I applied abit on her thumb & Cayenne sucks her thumb, tasting spicy and menthol. Then she quickly opens her mouth and lets go her thumb. & makes the "辣辣" expression by sticking out her tongue. Funny sight. ;p

My Dad encourages me to do so, and I think it is TIME to wean Cayenne off from her thumb. So whenever she wants to put her thumb in, my Dad or myself will apply the oil on her thumb. She is smart. She tasted 辣辣 and immediately withdrew out and ... Put her forefinger into her mouth! Haha... So in the end, we resort to apply the oil to all her little ten fingers!

Of cos she cries when she wants to suck for comfort when sleeping. I told her firmly "No, Darling. Try to sleep hugging your bean pillow. You big girl, Mummy sure you can do it one."

Maybe due to crying though not long, my Cayenne manages to sleep without sucking her thumb!
This is only the 1st time I apply the oil, so still can't tell if it is going to be successful to wean Cayenne off her thumb anot. BUT this time, Mummy will persist to the end! ;p

Cayden's 3rd month Jab

Brought Cayden for his jab. & Cayenne along as I simply can't leave her with my helper. My helper can't handle her. Plus Cayenne is still down with running nose. So brought her to see doctor and get new flu medicine. Hopefully she can recover fast. Been a week plus. Her appetite drops to almost zero for meals. She only ate a few miserable scoops. As for her milk intake, also dropped almost half!

As for Cayden, this time round, he developed slight fever during midnight. He was fussing around, I had to pat, carry, pacifier, water then he finally slept. But probably only slept for an hour. Then woke up again. Fed him milk with fever medicine. Put him on cot but he was not comfortable. The minute I put him down, he woke up. But once I carried him up, he immediately slept. Tried a few times.

Then thinking, since my Cayden was not feeling well, I should "pamper" him abit by carrying him to sleep. Carried him to my bed with my Cayenne beside me. Felt tired & probably due to not enough rest, I got headache. BUT looking @ my Double Cs sleeping soundly, I felt 幸福 and 满足. ;)

Playing & Reading Time!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Darling Cayden turns 3 months old today!

Me & Darling Cayden
My Lovely Double Cs - Cayenne & Cayden! Hee...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lot 1 Shopping on 16th October 09, Friday Afternoon

Brought Cayenne to Lot 1 after her miserable 1 hour nap and milk feed.

Pictures taken @ Pending LRT Station.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cayenne turns 20 months old today!

Brought Cayenne for a hair cut. & it was my 1st time bringing her to salon! Usually my baby sitter would bring Cayenne for a hair cut. So I was kinda of nervous cos I knew normally kids would cry in salon. *Don't know why*

Anyway, brought biscuits & her favourite Barney water bottle to stand by. Lucky overall it was ok except a few "ngeks" from her. Haha...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cayenne's 1st School Bag!

Bought this online and customized her name on it. Hee...

Cayenne's doing & Milk Time Pictures

Cayenne stacked these up

Baby Cayden's Firsts and Development Growth

15th November 09 (Sunday) - Haircut, Swimming & Body Massage
15th December 09 (Tuesday) - HappyBellies Brown Rice Cereal into milk feed

27th December 09 (Sunday) - Tries Apple
02th January 10 (Saturday) - HB Cereal Breakfast
18th January 10 (Monday) - Left Bottom Central Incisor

25th January 10 (Monday) - Sits without support
24th January 10 (Sunday) - HB Cereal Lunch
26th January 10 (Tuesday) - Introduces MG2 for 2nd milk feed

29th January 10 (Friday) - Tries Steamed Apple
30th January 10 (Saturday) - Tries Avocado
02nd February 10 (Tuesday) - Right Bottom Central Incisor,
Tries sweet potato
07th February 10 (Sunday) - HB Oatmeal Cereal, Mashed Banana
12th February 10 (Friday) - Stands without support 5 seconds 17th February 10 (Wednesday) - Tries Steamed Pear, 2 Cereals
19th February 10 (Friday) - Sweet Potato Porridge
22nd February 10 (Monday) - Potato Porridge
24th February 10 (Wednesday) - Carrot Porridge
25th February 10 (Thursday) - Tries Prune
26th February 10 (Friday) - Spinach Porridge
07th March 10 (Sunday) - Heinz Biscuits with Milk
10th March 10 (Wednesday) - Tries Rock Melon
11th March 10 (Thursday) - Marrow Green Melon Porridge
14th March 10 (Sunday) - Pumpkin Porridge
18th March 10 (Thursday) - Zuchinni Porridge
19th March 10 (Friday) - Crawls Forward, Tries Avocado with Banana, Brown Rice with White Rice Porridge
27th March 10 (Saturday) - Butternut Squash Porridge
29th March 10 (Monday) - Tries Papaya
12th April 10 (Monday) - Upper Left & Right Central Incisors
16th April 10 (Friday) - Silver Fish Stock for Porridge
21st April 10 (Wednesday) - HappyBaby Organic Puffs
27th April 10 (Tuesday) - Sits from crawl position
01st May 10 (Saturday) - Tries Egg Yolk
05th May 10(Wednesday) - "Pauls Natural" Yoghurt with Mashed Banana
10th May 10 (Monday) - Stands from sitting holding onto cot
15th May 10 (Saturday) - Top Left, Right Lateral Incisor Teeth
16th May 10 (Sunday) - Stands few seconds without support
17th May 10 (Monday) - Minced Pork Porridge
18th May 10 (Tuesday) - Broccoli in Porridge
24th May 10 (Monday) - Tries Cheese
27th May 10 (Thursday) - Tries "Ngor" Fish (Threadfin Fish)
02nd June 10 (Wednesday) - Tries Bao
11th June 10 (Friday) - Tries Chicken Thigh, Walks 1 step
12th June 10 (Saturday) - Wallk 2, 3 steps
17th June 10 (Thursday) - Tries ice cream
19th June 10 (Saturday) - Top Left, Right Canine (Cuspid)
21st June 10 (Monday) - Drinks from straw
23rd June 10 (Wedesday) - Mee Sua Soup
24th June 10 (Thursday) - Old Melon Pork Ribs Soup with Mee Sua
03rd July 10 (Saturday) - Cayden walks at least 6,7 steps!
04th July 10 (Sunday) - Tries Hotcake
05th July 10 (Monday) - Left & Right Lateral Incisor
11th July 10 (Sunday) - Do "Full" action
12th July 10 (Monday) - Tries French Fries
13th July 10 (Tuesday) - Introduces MG3 for 2nd milk feed
14th July 10 (Wednesday) - Says "Don't want"
20th July 10 (Tuesday) - Kway Tiao Soup
23rd July 10 (Friday) - Walks Officially
24th July 10 (Sat) - Macaroni Soup
25th July 10 (Sun) - Steamed rice with minced pork/pumpkin
30th July 10 (Fri) - Steamed rice with Pan Fried Salmon, Egg Tofu
16th August 10 (Mon) - Tries Quinoa Seeds Porridge
18th August 10 (Wed) - Tries Oatmilk
21st August 10 (Sat) - Tries Millet

Cayenne's Expressions

Cayenne's Expressions

Happy & Cheerful Cayenne

Happy & Cheerful Cayenne

Cayden's NB Pictures

Cayden's NB Pictures