Monday, August 31, 2009

1st Sunday without Dennis around

Phew... Things were better on 30th August 09, Sunday. Lucky me! ;)

Woke up to feed Cayden @ 6am, thought of going back to my dreamland again. Saw Cayenne was hungry, quickly prepared her milk. Was thinking, "Gosh, after feed, Cayenne sure don't want to sleep. Then I'll have to keep her entertained." Taking care and entertaining kids are no joke. Quite or should I say very taxing! Haha...

Well, Lucky again. She dozed back to her dreamland after feed. Decided not to sleep, better went to pump milk before my Double Cs fully awake. After that, managed to have my breakfast this time. ;)

Bathed Cayenne when Cayden was having his milk. This time, no struggle from Cayenne when diaper wearing time. You know why? It was because I let her wear the pull up pants! She preferred this to the diaper.

Overall the whole day was great. Cayenne had been watching her favourite Barney DVDs & Elmo's. She kept Aunt Jann busy while watching. Kept asking Aunt Jann to change the DVDs. She wanted to play the DVD player. Take out one disc and put another one in. Play. Short while later, asked Aunt Jann to change again. After that, changed again. Really made Aunt Jann 没空. Haha...

Recent Pictures of Darling Cayenne

Enjoying her spanish rock melon. One word "SWEET"!
Messing with her hair clips!
Posing a "COOL" expression or rather a "buay song" expression?
This is my Darling! Smiling again!
眯眯眼 when she sees flash in the camera

Trying to snatch my camera again
Relaxing on Mummy's lap

Recent Pictures of Darling Cayden

Eh... Where is my Darling Cayden?
Smiling Cayden

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mummy's Thoughts - Part 7

Ever since my helper is here, I'm not very happy or comfortable with a stranger in the house. No doubt she is here to help me in taking care of my kids and do housework plus cooking. She indeed helps to lessen my Dad's burden in cooking the meals. (My Dad is the family's cook). So my helper does most of the cookings now.

Am trying to get used to her in our house, I believe my helper is trying her very best to adapt into my family & especially towards me. I'm a very fast paced person. Everything must do FAST & clean. So I believe she feels some stress. But sometimes I wonder if Indonesian helpers are SLOWER? Or Am I too FAST? ... ... ...

Been telling my helper to do things faster in terms of housework while Cayden is sleeping. Reason being that she can have some or more rest during the day.

Yesterday, my SIL called me up & she thought that I was napping. I told her "FAT HOPE!" I was doing some housework. My SIL was surprised, she thought my helper should be the one doing. Haha... I thought so too! But somehow or rather, I ended up doing housework even with my helper around. What an ironical joke!

1st Saturday without Dennis around...

Had an extremely BUSY SHACKED TIRED Saturday. No joke. Woke up ard 6.30am & been "working" non-stop till 9pm. Arghh...

I shouldn't have stated 6.30am woke up, since I gotta to handle Cayden during the midnight. Haha...

Well anyway, nowadays Cayenne is like a koala to me. Have to carry her if go downstairs & even @ home, Jann wanted to bring her go downstairs to at least let me had a short breather also cannot. Initially she wanted to go but as I needed to talk to Jann about something, Cayenne saw me (They were already outside the gate & Cayenne wanted Jann to carry her) & refused to go down with Jann. Kept holding onto the gate. Sigh...

This young lady lately very strange. Don't want to wear her diapers. Kinda of use alittle harsh tone and force on her. "Ah..." She cried. Cayenne is such a Missy, alittle bit will cry or scream. Can't stand her man! Worse is that those are fake cries and screams...

So today got "scolded" by me at least 3 times? Or more? Felt so tired, really. So many things on hand that I have to take care of. I handled Cayenne mostly while my helper took care of Cayden. But on and off, I still gotta to care for my son right. Just couldn't let my helper do all the job right. & on top of that, I need to supervise and TRAIN my helper to be multi-task in order not to waste time. Time to me now is simply too precious! Haha...

Busy till 12pm then took my breakfast! Could you believe that?! & my lunch... 3plus in the afternoon. Dinner is normal time 7plus in the evening...

Conclusion of my 1st Saturday without Dennis around (TO HELP of cos) : I almost went "mad"! ;p Lucky Jann was around to help me with my 2 kids. Thanks, Jann! Really appreciated your help.

Am thinking right now... Am I cut to be a SAHM? Hmm...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Effects of 6-in-1 Jab, Rotavirus and Reducing Milk Intake

Well, I suspect there are some "after jabs" effects on my Cayden. Doctor mentioned that after jab, might cause fever. Nurse asked me to feed Cayden 1 dose of fever medicine when I reached home but I didn't. Cos I wanted to find out whether the jabs will cause Cayden fever. For Cayenne, no fever at all whenever she got jabs. So I wish to find out for Cayden.

From Thursday (Jab + Rotavirus) till yesterday, my observation is Cayden got very sleepy during the whole day. After feed, sleep. Checked on his temperature, no fever, no crankiness. *Glad*

Talking about milk intake. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I reduced Cayden's milk intake from 120ml to 100ml. Well, the interval of milk feed is the same! And true enough, after reducing the intake, Cayden spit less milk. In fact, out of 8 to 10 feeds, probably only spit a tiny bit in 1 feed.

A sad moment... Yesterday...

28th August 09, Friday...

Went to pick up Cayenne in the evening. On the way to Lily's place, was worried that I might cry. Me full of water. Keke...

Lily dressed Cayenne up in a very nice pretty dress. So happy to see Cayenne so pretty. ;)

Lily told Cayenne to obey me, must be filial, must eat & drink well. Lily gave Cayenne a very tight hug & kiss. Suddenly I felt tears just @ the edge of my eyes... Am always an emotional aquarian. Lily started to tear abit, upon seeing that, my tears flowed out as well. What an tearful event for us. Tried very hard to control my tears. As I always mentioned in my blog, Lily is really a nice and friendly lady who dotes and loves my Cayenne alot. Felt sad that Cayenne no longer under her care. Because of Lily, I've learnt and still learning to be a good Mummy.

I understand there are stages of people coming in and out of our lives. Guess this is life. Not only Cayenne feel attached to Lily. (Cayenne calls Lily "mama" which I'm not jealous or unhappy at all) Afterall, Lily has been treating Cayenne like her own daughter (I could tell). I feel attached to Lily too. *Shy* Guess it is hard to find someone whom u can trust and confide into. I'm glad that I found one.This is FATE. ;)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thanks Lily!

Lily has been a great help to me. I'm very fortunate and blessed to find someone like her to take care of my Cayenne. Lily is the 1st and only baby sitter whom I met and on the spot decided to let her take care of Cayenne. Lily is such a cheerful and happy lady. She is always so positive in her thinking. Be it family life, husband-&-wife relationship. She has been giving very good and constructive advices to me.

Her husband, 3 lovable kids & her eldest daughter's boyfriend all love and dote on Cayenne. Cayenne is such a fortunate girl to receive so much love and attention from them. Really happy to see my Cayenne has been so happy with them.

I really appreciate their kindness, attentiveness and concern for my Cayenne.

Thanks again, Lily!

Mummy's Thoughts - Part 6

Today is the "last day" @ Lily's place. From next Monday onwards, Cayenne will be officially at home under my care. Look very forward to spending time with Cayenne but at the same time, feel anxious, scared... Haha... You guys must be wondering what is there to be scared of. I scare I do not know Cayenne's needs and wants. I scare I might not be able to take good care of her. I scare I'm not as attentive and caring as Lily. Hmm... I sound like I'm so useless. Guess I'm putting alot of pressure onto myself. But I must admit that I do not have much confidence in taking care and handling of children. Playing/entertaining kids is my strong point only. ;p

Lily knows Cayenne best cos she has been with Lily since she is 6 wks old. I only take care of her during nights and weekends. So if to compare, Lily knows and understands my little Darling more and well.

Now with Cayden, I have to make sure I strike a balance between them. In whatever situation, I'll try my best & put in my best effort to take care of my Double Cs.

Cayenne's Weight

Cayenne's weight now is 10.2kg. I wonder when she will hit the 11kg. Hmm... ... ...

Cayden's Weight

Hmm... Cayden weighs a healthy 5.6kg in his 5 weeks and 5 days old. I'm abit concerned over his "FAST" shoot up of weight. From birth weight of 3.31kg. But doctor said it is ok. Since babies weight fluctuates like share prices. Sometimes can be up, sometimes down.

Asked doctor about Cayden's spitting milk (not much though) after feed and even after burping at least 2 to 3 times. Though I told doctor that currently my Cayden is on 120ml milk, he said it is ok. He advised me to reduce the amount if necessary.

So am trying now to reduce the intake to see if it helps to reduce or stop the spitting.

Darling Cayden's 6-in-1 + Rotavirus Jabs

Brought Cayden for his jabs on 27th August 09, Thursday afternoon after rain. Took LRT to Fajar Shopping Centre. Lucky upon reached, there was only 1 patient. So we didn't have to wait long.

Cayden's skin is more "sensitive" than Cayenne. Why I say so? Cos he cried very fiercely when the needle poked onto his skin. Haha... Cayenne's time, she simply no "feeling". ;p

Went to this clinic recommended by my SIL. Though the doctor is not a PD, he is very good in diagnosing children's health, patient in explaining. 1st visit I felt quite comfortable with this doctor. Plus the nurses are friendly.

Initially wanted to see the doctors just below our flat. Cos save time from travelling. But I checked out the doctors' history as in diagnosing children's health as well as the prices of the jabs. Still think that my SIL's recommendation @ Fajar Shopping Centre worth to try. Think I mention before I trust and value my SIL's suggestions and comments alot. Simply because she is a very cautious and attentive Mummy of my 2 lovely nephews. ;) So everytime, anything I do not know or need advices, she will be the 1st one whom I think of to consult with. Hee...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Cayenne graduated from her jabs! Haha... Received a certificate from her PD just now when I brought her to have her 18 month jab.

Cried when her PD measured her head circumference, and hear her lungs etc. Cried the loudest when the needle poked onto her side butt. Haha... Quickly promised her to give her some treats later. That was McDonald's Breakfast. Asked her if she wanted anot, she nodded her head while crying. Haha...

1st time let her drink iced milo! My gosh! Is that me? Usually I won't allow. Guess now I'm more relaxed when comes to Cayenne's meals. So far still no sweet can drinks. This is what I still insisted on. Food wise, sigh... She has been eating alot of "junk" food.

Back to her jabs, she left the Hep A jabs (2). PD advises me to let her take the jab before she goes to childcare centre. So probably will bring her again in October to jab jab... & of cos more McDonald's Breakfast again! Haha...

"Alone" with Double Cs

During the night, I mean. Was worrying ever since I knew Dennis's Sweden trip in late August. Felt stressed, unhappy and kinda of disappointed that I have to handle my Cs alone. Of cos my Dad, Jann & the helper are around to assist me BUT I still think that Dennis being the husband and Daddy, should be around instead during Cayden's 1st few months. Am I asking too much or being unreasonable? ... ... ...

Well, what is done cannot be undone. Work is work. Guess Dennis also has no choice but to accept his assignment. (BUT who asks him to ask for transfer during the Chua's "critical" period?! Oops, am still "blaming" him. ;p)

Yesterday 23rd August 09, Sunday was the 1st night after 10pm without Dennis around. Lucky Jann & the helper were here to help me to handle Cayden while I handled my "Attitude" Chua a.k.a. Cayenne. Keke...

So far up till now, everything has been good. Should I say smooth sailing? Hmm... I dare not say so early. Since yesterday, I've been praying every night will be ok. Hope not too much "struggles" from my Double Cs. ;p

This Friday will be the last day @ Lily's place. Cayenne will be back in my hands from then. Hope I can take good care of her & Cayden, can prepare nutritious meals for her, can teach/play/entertain her without me losing my temper. Haha...

Guess this coming 2 months will be a test for me to see if I'm marked up to be a SAHM. If I can, I will send my application to the Chua Enterprise Managing Director a.k.a. Dennis Chua! Haha... ;p

Monday, August 24, 2009


Darling Cayden on 18th August 09, Tuesday

Sending Daddy to Sweden... Oops

To the airport, I mean. Haha... Initially not sending Dennis off. But could tell that Dennis can't bear to part with us. So I decided to bring Cayenne to airport.
Daddy very happy.. Hmm... Can't wait to fly off to Sweden? ;p
Terminal 3

Giving Daddy a GoodBye Kiss

ECP on 23rd August 09, Sunday

Dennis suggested to bring us to ECP yesterday morning as he was flying off later in the night. He wanted to send more time with us. I appreciated his thoughts but the weather was simply AH... WARM. Keke...

Woke up early to pump milk, feed Cayden and prepare Cayenne's porridge. Imagine I started to prepare the ikan bilis stock for her porridge in the early morning. 3am plus! Since then, busy pumping and feeding Cayden and settling him to sleep. The time was already 5plus am. Very tired and Dennis took over.

Fed both Cs milk before bath and set off after preparing all their stuff. Seriously speaking, I have no mood to go out at all as I was very sleepy and tired. But since already "promised" the kids, so off we went with Jann as our photographer again. Thanks dear for always there to take photos. ;)

Always so happy in her car seat
Cayden sleeping soundly in Mummy's arms.
Now alittle bit Cayenne will "ah ah ah"
Showing her tongue to Aunt Jann
Why 弟弟 not in the picture?
There! Here is 弟弟! Our Complete Chua Family Photo!

After don't know how long @ ECP, I decided that was enough. Cos night time Dennis would be flying off to Sweden. So we better went home early so that I could rest more in order to take care of double Cs.
Quickly settled both of them before I bathed and I knocked out immediately. Simply too tired... *Yawn*

Darling Cayden's Full Month Celebration

Decided to hold a small scale celebration for Darling Cayden in the end. ;p Had phobia of sending cakes all over SG during Darling Cayenne's Full Month. Very tiring. So it was either celebration @ home or vouchers. My Dad was telling me we must bring Cayden to visit his grandparents. Dennis & I were thinking if we deliver cakes to them & our aunties, then might as well they came over rather then we went over. Keke...

Had a busy and tiring day on 16th August 09, Sunday. Lucky the CL stayed over 1 more day to help me. If not, Dennis & I were be rotating our turns to feed Cayden & won't be able to entertain our relatives & friends.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Cayenne finally recovered! & back to her naughty self again. Keke... Past 1 week plus, her appetite was simply zero. Now she has been asking for milk, bread, noodles, porridge, rice, soup etc. So happy!

I have decided to...

Trust my helper, that is. Hee... Had a massage session on Tuesday, was pouring my "woes" to Grace (my ML). She is kind enough to listen to my 牢骚. She advised me to trust the maid. Even Lily told me that too. She told me that she thinks my helper is obedient and is one who is willing to work. I should learn to trust her. Well, I did.

Today, I let my helper handle Cayden's feeding unless if I latch him. So far she is doing a decent job. Hope she can maintain this way. Tomorrow I'll teach her to bath Cayden and dress/diaper change.

Actually my helper is very "cute". As I stress on the point that Cayden must be burped during his feed, probably she felt the stress. And when Cayden finally burps and sometimes very loud, my helper will laugh and quickly told me that 弟弟 burped. She felt a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Haha...

Just now I was in the room pumping milk and she was in the living hall feeding Cayden, I could hear Cayden's loud burp, my helper laughed so loudly and kept praising Cayden "Good Boy". Haha...

Guess sometimes, I shouldn't hold onto certain issues so stubbornly. Let go! LET GO! Now I'm telling myself this!

Hope things will turn out better for me. ;)

My "nightmare" starts on... (;p)

17th August 09, Monday! Haha... I have to handle Cayden myself from feeding, diaper changing, bathing etc. Made me wondered how I managed to clear the "obstacle" during Cayenne's time. ;p

I didn't let my helper to handle Cayden at all. Main reason is I still don't trust her. I haven't let go and trust her.

And guess what, I was down with abit of flu and felt feverish. What a Monday for me. Felt so tired and no appetite and have to handle Cayden. Finally evening came and I asked Dennis to take leave on Tuesday to take over. I didn't even dare to step out of my house to go and see doctor on Monday, scared to leave my Cayden with my helper alone.

Anyway back to the taking care of Cayden, I started off with feeding him then then bath time. Kinda of loss when bathing him, but still not too bad as compared to Cayenne's time. This time probably with experience, I'm more relaxed, and Cayden seems to enjoy in the water. ;)

Finally it was OVER...

My confinement month. Haha... Anyway, I wasn't being "confined" at all. Been doing the opposites & my confinement lady never stopped me. Talking about my confinement lady, she is not good at all. The only good thing about her is she spends time in feeding and burping my Cayden which I like. Other than this, cooking sucks, no advise from her about the confinement stuff etc, no tonics for me (only when my Dad asked her to prepare, then she prepared). Same for the soups. One very bad attitude of the confinement lady is she always pushes the blame to my helper and other people except herself. Really cannot stand her. Terrible right? My Dad was super super un-pleased with her. Haha...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fake Measles

After having a yo yo fever for 4 days (Saturday till Tuesday), on Wednesday early hours, I observed my Darling Cayenne's neck/chest area had some tiny dots. I wonder what was that. I was afraid it might be some kind of infection. Her face did has a bit too. Was thinking probably too heaty or her saliva (she was teething @ the same time while having fever! Poor girl)

Lily called me up around 4plus in the afternoon and told me that Cayenne didn't seem too right. Her face and body broke out in rashes!!! I immediately thought of fake measles. Could it be that? I asked Lily if Cayenne still having fever, she said no. So I told her it might be fake measles cos I recalled some forum mummies that I came to befriend were discussing about this fake measles months ago.

Asked Lily how was Cayenne doing? She said Cayenne was still very active, appetite did increase abit, ate at least half bowl of rice and lots of soup. & was also playing and laughing with Lily's children. Lucky.

After putting down the phone, I quickly go online 2 find my saviours - Mummy Wendy & Mummy May via MSN.

Mummy Wendy told me the symptoms of fake measles. So confirmed (by me) that my Darling Cayenne is having fake measles.

Mummy May told me she didn't know much on the fake measles. & end up we were chatting over her lovely Ervin's 3rd BD party. & also talked about planning our girls' 2nd BDs. Haha... Still got at least half a year though. But think if want to plan an interesting BD party, we better do the planning now. ;p

Back to Cayenne's fake measles issue, we went to pick her up and Lily was worried so she advised us to bring her see doctor. I told Dennis actually I'm quite sure it is fake measles & according to Mummy Wendy, there's nothing we could do. For Mummy Wendy's darling Amanda, the rashes took only few hours to subside. That was pretty fast. Cos I was reading up information on the fake measles, the rashes could last few days or few hours. So cutie Amanda was the lucky one. Hope my Cayenne's rashes will subside soon.

So Dennis asked me still need to go to see doctor. I told him yes! Haha... Being a KS mummy, I think we better bring Cayenne to see doctor for a peace of mind. ;p

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Down with high fever, stomach flu virus. AGAIN!!!

Cayenne was having fever on 08th August 09, Saturday morning. Initially she was ok. But as I was hugging and kissing her (I always love to do that!), I felt her forehead kinda of feverish. Told Dennis about it, he said "No la" when he felt her forehead. But I wasn't that positive. Afterall, men are always not as attentive as women. (Most men)

Anyway recently Cayenne's appetite dropped tremendously. Her meal times always only soup. Even her favourite "Kway tiao" didn't interest her at all. What was wrong, Darling? Mummy worried.

We were thinking probably due to her teething. Her last 4 molars are coming out. So that irritates her alot. Been very cranky and keeps putting her fingers inside her mouth. Oh yes, even bite people around her! Dennis & I had been her victims so far.

Checked her temperature after we came back from Carrefour, and indeed she was running a fever. Quickly fed her fever medicine. Late afternoon, her temperature risen to about 38.8 degrees! Quickly brought her to see PD. PD told us that teething fever usually won't hit up to 38 degrees. He measured Cayenne's temperature and confirmed that she got stomach flu virus. AGAIN?!!! Seems like Cayenne's stomach is kinda of weak. Think she got this virus at least 5 times till date. ;(

Her fever came & went. Plus teething discomfort made my little girl very uncomfortable and cranky. "Glued" to me since Saturday till Monday. Almost like a koala to me the whole days these few days. Dennis tried to help me in taking care of her, but she didn't want to. Those who came near her will get a "screaming scolding" from her. Sometimes I also got it when she was extremely uncomfortable.

Sunday afternoon brought her to see doctor again. And guess what, Dennis was sick too. Gosh! I felt very stressed suddenly cos I worried about my double Cs. Stomach flu virus can spread easily. I already quarantined Cayenne away from Cayden. As Jann wasn't at home over the weekend, I and Cayenne slept in her room while Dennis & Cayden in our room. Then Sunday Dennis fell sick. No choice, we slept in Jann's room while I asked the confinement lady to sleep in my room to handle Cayden.

Midnight, I have to wake up a few times to check on my Darling Cayenne as well as Cayden. & to do some pumping. These few nights Cayenne woke up crying for me when she didn't see me sleeping beside her.

Talking about her poor appetite, these 2 days I didn't prepare any solid meals for her. She simply no appetite. Even her milk intake dropped again. What's new anyway? Kept feeding her water and sometimes she simply didn't want any water at all. Give her glucose, she didn't want to either. Sigh...

Sunday afternoon she was ok when we were playing in Jann's room. She was overall happy and laughing, then suddenly she just burst into tears. & screamed so hard. I had difficulty pacifying her. She was in great pain (I think) that she pulled my hair, hit me. I cried. Not because of the pain on me. I cried because I felt so 心痛 that my Darling is suffering! I wish the pain on me!

Diapers & Milk Powders Super Buy!

Brought Cayenne to Carrefour on 08th August 09, Saturday morning to do some shopping. Heard that there is sale going on.
Sexy babe inside lift
Mummy doing the same!
Cheeky Cayenne
Of late, don't know why our Darling want to walk barefooted. She was walking/running barefooted @ Carrefour baby department.

Pinky Sweetie?!

Dennis's colleague bought this little pinky gift for our Darling Cayenne. Hmm... So sweet rite, I mean the colour. Before Dennis brought this up from his car, he told me about it and said I wouldn't like this cos it is PINK! He himself think it was too pinky. Haha... Got influenced by me? Or he simply think our Darling Cayenne doesn't suit pink at all? ;p
Let her tried on and Cayenne loved it! But we later realized we put the wings upside down! Haha...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Messing" with my laptop

Whenever Cayenne sees me with my laptop, she will want to be carried onto my laps and kpo-ing. This morning I let her sit on the chair and her hands immediately place on top of the keyboard. She even hold the mouse. Must be seeing too much of Mummy using it and so now she follows suit! Haha...

Baby Cayden's Firsts and Development Growth

15th November 09 (Sunday) - Haircut, Swimming & Body Massage
15th December 09 (Tuesday) - HappyBellies Brown Rice Cereal into milk feed

27th December 09 (Sunday) - Tries Apple
02th January 10 (Saturday) - HB Cereal Breakfast
18th January 10 (Monday) - Left Bottom Central Incisor

25th January 10 (Monday) - Sits without support
24th January 10 (Sunday) - HB Cereal Lunch
26th January 10 (Tuesday) - Introduces MG2 for 2nd milk feed

29th January 10 (Friday) - Tries Steamed Apple
30th January 10 (Saturday) - Tries Avocado
02nd February 10 (Tuesday) - Right Bottom Central Incisor,
Tries sweet potato
07th February 10 (Sunday) - HB Oatmeal Cereal, Mashed Banana
12th February 10 (Friday) - Stands without support 5 seconds 17th February 10 (Wednesday) - Tries Steamed Pear, 2 Cereals
19th February 10 (Friday) - Sweet Potato Porridge
22nd February 10 (Monday) - Potato Porridge
24th February 10 (Wednesday) - Carrot Porridge
25th February 10 (Thursday) - Tries Prune
26th February 10 (Friday) - Spinach Porridge
07th March 10 (Sunday) - Heinz Biscuits with Milk
10th March 10 (Wednesday) - Tries Rock Melon
11th March 10 (Thursday) - Marrow Green Melon Porridge
14th March 10 (Sunday) - Pumpkin Porridge
18th March 10 (Thursday) - Zuchinni Porridge
19th March 10 (Friday) - Crawls Forward, Tries Avocado with Banana, Brown Rice with White Rice Porridge
27th March 10 (Saturday) - Butternut Squash Porridge
29th March 10 (Monday) - Tries Papaya
12th April 10 (Monday) - Upper Left & Right Central Incisors
16th April 10 (Friday) - Silver Fish Stock for Porridge
21st April 10 (Wednesday) - HappyBaby Organic Puffs
27th April 10 (Tuesday) - Sits from crawl position
01st May 10 (Saturday) - Tries Egg Yolk
05th May 10(Wednesday) - "Pauls Natural" Yoghurt with Mashed Banana
10th May 10 (Monday) - Stands from sitting holding onto cot
15th May 10 (Saturday) - Top Left, Right Lateral Incisor Teeth
16th May 10 (Sunday) - Stands few seconds without support
17th May 10 (Monday) - Minced Pork Porridge
18th May 10 (Tuesday) - Broccoli in Porridge
24th May 10 (Monday) - Tries Cheese
27th May 10 (Thursday) - Tries "Ngor" Fish (Threadfin Fish)
02nd June 10 (Wednesday) - Tries Bao
11th June 10 (Friday) - Tries Chicken Thigh, Walks 1 step
12th June 10 (Saturday) - Wallk 2, 3 steps
17th June 10 (Thursday) - Tries ice cream
19th June 10 (Saturday) - Top Left, Right Canine (Cuspid)
21st June 10 (Monday) - Drinks from straw
23rd June 10 (Wedesday) - Mee Sua Soup
24th June 10 (Thursday) - Old Melon Pork Ribs Soup with Mee Sua
03rd July 10 (Saturday) - Cayden walks at least 6,7 steps!
04th July 10 (Sunday) - Tries Hotcake
05th July 10 (Monday) - Left & Right Lateral Incisor
11th July 10 (Sunday) - Do "Full" action
12th July 10 (Monday) - Tries French Fries
13th July 10 (Tuesday) - Introduces MG3 for 2nd milk feed
14th July 10 (Wednesday) - Says "Don't want"
20th July 10 (Tuesday) - Kway Tiao Soup
23rd July 10 (Friday) - Walks Officially
24th July 10 (Sat) - Macaroni Soup
25th July 10 (Sun) - Steamed rice with minced pork/pumpkin
30th July 10 (Fri) - Steamed rice with Pan Fried Salmon, Egg Tofu
16th August 10 (Mon) - Tries Quinoa Seeds Porridge
18th August 10 (Wed) - Tries Oatmilk
21st August 10 (Sat) - Tries Millet

Cayenne's Expressions

Cayenne's Expressions

Happy & Cheerful Cayenne

Happy & Cheerful Cayenne

Cayden's NB Pictures

Cayden's NB Pictures